
This is a simple package for sending Wake-On-LAN packets to other host in a local network. This started as a pet-project to put together and test a series of technologies I'm interested in. The all WOL packet sending is managed by the Python package wakeonlan, for which wolproxypy act as a wrapper.

However, wolproxypyweb also offers a fully-dockerized web app (built on Flask) and an API (built on FastAPI) that act as proxy for routing magic WOL packets via Internet.


  1. git clone https://github.com/bateman/wolproxypyweb - Clone the project from GitHub.
  2. make install - Install all dependencies via poetry.
  3. make docs - Build the documentation site via mkdocs.



To launch the web application, run poetry run wolproxypyweb and connect to You can change the port by editing the file .flaskenv.


Assuming that you have Docker installed on your system and that you have cloned the GitHub repository locally as per the Installation step 1 above, to build and executed the image locally, run:

docker-compose up -d --build

The app will be available at To change the port, edit the file docker-compose.yml accordingly and rebuild the image.

You can stop it by executing docker-compose stop.

Alternatively, if you don't want to clone the repository, just download the latest image from DockerHub, run:

docker pull bateman/wolproxypyweb:latest

docker start bateman/wolproxypyweb

The app will be again accessible at